Why should I learn Python?#

Python is the de facto programming language for the Age of Artificial Intelligence. It can be applied to traditional tasks such as web development and network analysis. Python is also the essential gateway language for scientific computing, data science, and the cluster of emerging technologies around AI, including generative AI.

How much does Python Foundations cost?#

The Python Foundations sequence consists of three bootcamps. The cost for the bootcamps are:

  • Python PDE: $25

  • Python Core: $50

  • Python Applied: $100


Can I take one Bootcamp at a time or do I have to pay for all three?#

You can take one bootcamp at a time. Indeed, you are highly encouraged to enroll in the sequence one at a time before committing to the others.

What if I don’t have a technical background?#

Our programs are designed for creative people, technical and non-technical. While a mastery of technical topics is important, the most creative people in AI and related fields come from a non-technical backgrounds. This is particularly the case for management and leadership positions.

Can I get a certificate for the bootcamps?#

A certificate path for AI-Fastpath will be offered starting on July 2024.